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Data privacy for everyone


Sensitivity to privacy

Data protection leaves no one cold. Regardless of whether you are a small business owner or a large corporation. Customers are becoming more and more sensitized to how their data is handled. Volkswagen knows this and creates transparency with its own data protection portal.

VW Privacy Platform

In the Volkswagen AG data protection portal, customers, fleet and major customers as well as trading partners, suppliers and employees are informed about their rights under the GDPR and how they can exercise these vis-à-vis Volkswagen AG. The portal offers the opportunity to view the use of individual data and to correct, change or delete it.

We developed this portal for VW and look after both the portal itself and the process of data retrieval and processing in the background. Projects with a focus on data protection always require a high degree of accuracy and need processes that can be integrated into everyday work and existing systems as simply and practicably as possible.

For us, this means creativity in the technical conception and at the same time full attention to the details in the implementation.

Discover the portal here:

Projects & success stories

IT specialist Combridge from Wolfsburg, Germany is expanding its business to Kazakhstan: The Sphere.

Expanding business to Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is becoming an increasingly important trading partner for Germany. However, the country not only has raw materials to offer. It is also a step ahead when it comes to digitization.
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Thomas – becoming a product owner

How does one become a product owner and what are the responsibilities one oversees? What is important in this position and what do you learn from it. An insight into the life and development of a product owner and what Thomas has learned for future projects.
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Company Adviser – Mobile working redefined

The bulletin board always had two functions: to inform people and to bring them together. How do you do this in times of home office and decentralized, asynchronous work? With “Company Adviser” we address this topic.
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